Well, I raise my beer stein to one and all! Another La Mesa Oktoberfest has come and gone. Thanks to all the DBG fans who stopped by the booth to say Hi to Billy and I at our 3 day camp out on La Mesa Boulevard. We were directly across from Edible Arrangements and therefore consumed massive quantities of chocolate-dipped fruit on a stick over the course of the Oktoberfest. Delicious (and cheap) if you were around as they closed up shop each night!
Our 3 day tour was eventful to say the least. Opening night found our booth surrounded by the LMPD as they wrangled up some gang members who had stopped outside Edible Arrangements to pursue gang-like activities. We kept one eye on our wares and one eye on the shake down to see if we needed to dive under our tables.
Saturday night proved interesting as one of our neighboring booth mates became unruly and created some trouble for Billy. I think there might have been a full moon.
I don't remember what happened Sunday and I think there was some rain involved some where over the 3 days. But a good time was had by all eating way too expensive bratwurst, and gorging on corn of the kettle! Until next year, stalwart La Mesans!
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